Guide to working with Tech Influencers

Say you want to collaborate with an influencer for a sponsored tweet. What are your next steps? Here is what it could look like in our experience.

Reach Out

Send a simple DM (or an email if they have listed other communication channels) telling how much you appreciate their posts and if they would like to do a sponsored post. Include a link to your project so that they can assess if your product would be something that would align with their audience. They might not respond or reject you. This is fine. You are looking for someone that you can work with. It is better if your communication is not established than having it broken later.

Additionally, ask how much they are charging for this. It is best to establish whether your budget allows you to work with this influencer or not.

Talk Terms

Once you establish a baseline understanding, tell them your expectations. At this stage, you might want to have some marketing material like product description, sales pitch, and demo images or videos ready. You will want to provide anything that they can use to talk about your product to the audience. You should also communicate any timeline expectations, if there are any.

Send them the agreed amount once you decide what the sponsored tweet will look like.

Sit Back and Enjoy

Let the creator do their thing and share your work with their audience. Ensure you are available to keep your site running if there is a surge in traffic. It is also great if you are around to answer any questions that might arise. Marketing could do wonders for your project… or not. It would be good to manage expectations and understand that there are no magic tricks. Havings said that, working with trustworthy tech influencers is a great way to put the word out there about your project.

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